Thursday, July 26, 2007

What do we have here?

When I opened the laptop, this was the image on the screen. It looks like Number Cruncher is seeking a new ride. Won't the kids be so excited? The one good thing about purchasing this behemoth of a vehicle is that there is no way in hell that he'll let me drive it.

Merry Christmas baby!

The Raven

Since I couldn't sleep, I've been up since around 5 this morning. I watched a couple of things that we've recorded including HGTV's Design Star. I'm not ashamed to admit that I am Vern Yip's biggest fan. I met him in Atlanta and I was so excited that tears came to my eyes. Actually, number cruncher saw him and told me not to make a scene. Vern was so kind. Love him!

Anyhoo, since I have to report for technology training tomorrow, I decided to do something productive. When we were out of town, I set the DVR to record The Raven starring Vincent Price. (who else?) I pushed play and ran downstairs for a drink. When I returned number cruncher had two questions: 1. Why are you up so early in the morning? 2. Why do you continue to watch the weirdest things? Since he was sleeping when I left, I asked him how did he know the show was weird...

"I heard strange music and even stranger voices."

Well duh, it is Vincent Price you know. Haha, he could really care less. And because it's Vincent Price doing Poe, it's really bad. I've only watched about 15 minutes of it and I can't take any more. Why does his Poe stray so far from the actual storyline? I think I'll show the kids The Fall of the House of Usher instead. It's not great but it's much better than this. The director is Roger Corman. I've never heard of him but I hope this is not representative of his work!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I've been tagged!

Sorry, I'm excited. I have no idea what I'm doing but here we go! Thanks Miss Teacha:))

Four Things Meme
(Because it’s Sunday!)

Four Jobs I’ve Had
~Cashier at McDonalds
~Stay at home mom
~Student (hubby considered it my job)

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over
~The Five Heartbeats
~The Red Shoes
~Breakfast at Tiffany's
~Anything by Hitchcock

Four Places I’ve Lived
~North Carolina

Four TV Shows I Love
~The Office
~That's So Raven

Four Places I’ve Vacationed
~Disney World
~Los Angeles
~Las Vegas
~Augusta, GA ( I just returned so I need to give them a shout out)

Four of My Favorite Dishes
~Fried apples
~Steamed Broccoli with Parmesan cheese
~Veggie pizza
~Cold Stone Creamery Cake Batter ice cream

Four Sites I Visit Daily
~Huff English

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now
~Strand Bookstore
~At my dad's house (I miss him)
~Getting my classroom ready!!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...

man riding down the street dragging a casket! We came home earlier today and decided to grab a bite to eat. Number cruncher happened to notice this interesting sight.

Gosh, I love living in this town. They know how to send you out in style. What better way for someone to head to their eternal resting place?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tylenol PM?

I've been awake since 3:48am. Torture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mission Accomplished, well almost...

Native American Lit Unit? Check.

Puritan Unit (including The Crucible)? Check and minus

I'm almost done. Really. I think I can finish this thing over the weekend when we're NOT at the softball field. I really needed two units planned for American Lit and 9th grade before the school year starts. As soon as I finish this Puritan unit, I can concentrate on 9th grade. I'm actually thinking about cutting back on my little freshmen since we're starting with a short story unit. One thing may be enough for them.

Oh yeah, no one can tell me when to report to work. I looked over my new hire paperwork the other day and noticed three different start dates for teachers: 7/27, 7/31, and 8/3. Okay, let me call HR, specifically the woman in charge of high school teachers.

Clueless HR Rep: Your official hire date is 8/3
Mrs. M: I know, but what is this training date? It says technology training for new employees.
Clueless HR Rep: Your official hire date is 8/3.
Mrs. M: So I don't have to show up until 8/3?
Clueless HR Rep: I didn't say that.
Mrs. M: Well what the hell ARE you saying? Okay, I didn't say that but I did write it down while I was talking to her.
Clueless HR Rep: Call your principal and ask him if he wants you to go.
Mrs. M: Huh? If my principal has that much time on his hands, I don't think I want to work for him.

After I slapped myself in the face for accepting a job in this county...

Mrs. M: Hi Mrs. B, (principal's secretary) I hate to bother you but...
Mrs. B: Oh, it's no problem but I have no idea honey.
Mrs. M: Okay.
Mrs. B: They're so confused over there but I would advise you to go to the training on 7/27 because everyone needs to learn our new parent portal grading system.
Mrs. M: Sure, I'll do that.
Mrs. B: We're really a great system to work for!!!
Mrs. M: I'm sure. Ta ta. By the way, did that freak ever clear his junk out of my room?
Mrs. B: No, I think he's still waiting on you to finish it.

My HR rep is a fool who knows nothing. Woe is me.

Time to rock and roll ladies

Well, we're off to our last softball tournament of the season. Now maybe our life can get back to a little normalcy. Evidently, there are teams coming from around the country so the competition is likely to be tough for the girls. No problem, I have no doubt that they will do well. You will do well won't you ladies?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Thump, thump, thump

That's the pounding of my head. I guess it's not so bad seeing that my eyes aren't crossed and I'm not balled in a corner yet. Number cruncher is supposed to watch an episode of The Office with me when the Yankees game goes off. Basketball the other day and now baseball. No sport is off limits in the M household!

I only have three more examples to create for an origin myth activity I've come up with. I've been up since 6am. Hopefully I can stay awake. Number cruncher deserves to see me with my eyes open sometimes. Bless that man.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Native American Lit

Although I asked for this prep, I've never taught American Lit before. I'm feeling guilty about Native American Lit. We're on a 4X4 and I already feel as if I'm rushing though it. I have 3 days scheduled and I know that's not enough. We're going to read a couple of myths and then create our own (in groups.) I'm going radical and letting them read a little Cochise and Charlot, if I can ever find the darn speech that I want. Charlot will be accompanied by Public Enemy's Fight the Power. Am I going to get fired? LOL.

3 days? Uggghhh!!!! Help!

This is so me...

You Are 48% Capitalist, 52% Socialist

While you are definitely sympathetic to a free economy, you also worry about the less fortunate.
Wealth and business is fine, as long as those who are in need get helped out too.
You tend to see both the government and corporations as potentially corrupt.


Your Linguistic Profile:

50% General American English

25% Yankee

20% Dixie

0% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern

Thursday, July 12, 2007

It's about that time...

to start planning. I have two new preps this year and I figured out a way to save myself some time. I hadn't planned on teaching Lord of the Flies but since I taught it last semester and still have all my materials, I'm going for it. I even have a lit analysis in there somewhere. The novel does tie into the curriculum and it gives me time to develop some other things. And I do need ALL the time I can get. I've never taught 9th lit and composition so I really have nothing to go with.

I keep writing and writing but nothing is grabbing me at this point. I need something creative, jaw-dropping, and out of this world. Actually, I just need something that hits the standards and interests the kids enough to make them pay attention. Arrrrrgh!! What to do, what to do?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"Irregardless is not a word mommy!" This from my oldest, Anal-boy and middle girl gymnastics and softball star at the same time no less. Number crunching hubby had the television on NBATV (oh joy, summer league basketball) and one of the announcers used "irregardless" in a sentence. I could not stop laughing because:

1. They actually hired an announcer that would use that word on air.
2. Number cruncher husband didn't catch it but two of his children did.
3. They do listen to me!!!!

So you see my dear number crunching Accountant hubby, reading is fundamental. You may be able to balance our checkbook but I have taught my children to recognize when something just ain't right:))

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I am not teaching The Crucible and The Scarlett Letter. Someone around here is crazy but it's not me. I love them both but there is no need to teach them back to back in the same semester. I have nothing against Puritan literature other than it can at times bore me to tears; Anne Bradstreet anyone? But, to quote John Stossel: "Give me a break!"
Good luck to my Middle Child Only Girl Softball and Gymnastics superstar! She's playing in a softball tournament in a few hours. As always, the M's will be there to root the girls on!!
I can't put a title on this thing! I had a talk with my new department head today. I now understand why people slit their wrists. We went over the reading list for my courses and I was not impressed. I mean really, I know there are works that all students should be exposed to but come on. Do they really need Old Man and the Sea in 9th and Grapes of Wrath in 10th? No they don't, especially when the curriculum has no diversity whatsoever. No Blacks, Asians, Native Americans...just dead white men. I love the canon, I'm a fan, really I am. However, these kids need more.

How can you teach American Literature without teaching about the people who made America what it is today? Where is the melting pot in the 9th grade survey course? Why do they have to wait until they enroll in Multicultural Lit before they are exposed to Morrison, Tan, Charlot, Gish Jen? I can't speak for the other new teachers but my students will be exposed to a variety of great works. Some of them may still be alive. Oh yeah, Fitzgerald was the most contemporary author that we discussed. Yikes! Let's try to keep them awake okay? I'm planning as I speak. Hmm...I may have to change the title of this blog to A Rebel with a Cause.
I am not teaching The Crucible and The Scarlett Letter. Someone around here is crazy but it's not me. I love them both but there is no need to teach them back to back in the same semester. I have nothing against Puritans but to quote John Stossel: "Give me a break!"

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Damn, I love being an American.


Let's see if I can get this in before midnight. The M Family headed out to the big city so that we could see the fireworks. They were a blast. Boy I crack myself up. Back to the point. I love America. There is no other place in the world that I'd rather live.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Run, Forest, Run!

Mr. M's close friend is running the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta tomorrow. I'm so very proud of him. If you don't know, scoring an entrance number is a big deal. He's been working out for awhile but we had no idea that he was in "training."

Good luck Forest! I'll be up bright and early tomorrow morning cheering you on (from my bulky tv of course.) I'm sure that you have some brand new designer duds to run in. Ain't nobody dope as me, I'm just so fresh and so clean...haha!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Oh no, not already?

I had those weird dreams last night. You know the one where the kids are reporting back on the first day of school and aren't pleased about it. I can't remember anyone's name and I run out of stuff to do. Needless to say, I tossed and turned all night. It didn't help that Middle Child Only Girl Softball and Gymnastics Star decided to crawl into and then take over the bed! I guess I shouldn't be upset. This was the first time in about 5 days that she's come in our room. I'll have to check with Mr. M but that just might be a record for her.

I've come across some interesting blogs that I'm going to add to my list. Happy surfing!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Random thoughts

I'm waiting on a response from my department head about what works I'm required to cover. I feel so foolish. Should I have asked him this during the school year? I was hired so early (back in Feb.) planning curriculum was far from my mind. I'm hoping that he doesn't view my email as intruding on his summer break.

I'm excited about my American Literature planning. It's going really well. I hope that I am allowed to order Crane's Maggie, at least a class set. I've been wanting to teach this for a while. Why do we stick to the same old novels? Red Badge of Courage, Moby Dick (slitting my wrists), Scarlett Letter, etc.

Mr. M and I have been lazy all weekend. He complained but I'm happy. I have so many things to do. I don't want to go into this new school year unprepared and behind. This is my first year there and I want to make a good impression. We're also on a 4X4 so I need 90 mintues of bell-to-bell instruction.