Sunday, July 1, 2007

Random thoughts

I'm waiting on a response from my department head about what works I'm required to cover. I feel so foolish. Should I have asked him this during the school year? I was hired so early (back in Feb.) planning curriculum was far from my mind. I'm hoping that he doesn't view my email as intruding on his summer break.

I'm excited about my American Literature planning. It's going really well. I hope that I am allowed to order Crane's Maggie, at least a class set. I've been wanting to teach this for a while. Why do we stick to the same old novels? Red Badge of Courage, Moby Dick (slitting my wrists), Scarlett Letter, etc.

Mr. M and I have been lazy all weekend. He complained but I'm happy. I have so many things to do. I don't want to go into this new school year unprepared and behind. This is my first year there and I want to make a good impression. We're also on a 4X4 so I need 90 mintues of bell-to-bell instruction.

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